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Writer's pictureSudip Chakraborty

4 Quick Win SEO Strategies to Help Your Business During COVID-19 And Beyond

Since coronavirus started to make headlines earlier this year, we’ve heard how it’s impacted the economy – namely small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

Accounting for 90 per cent of businesses worldwide, it has never been more challenging to be a small & medium enterprise (SME) in India.

With this in mind, leading SEO consultant based in Kolkata, Sudip Chakraborty, has developed a ‘quick win’ SEO strategy for fledgling businesses. Designed for SMEs based in India affected by COVID-19, here’s

4 helpful SEO tactics to see you through Covid-19 challenging times.

Online marketing and search engine optimization (SEO) should be a priority right now to get the best exposure online. And the good news is that SEO can support local store campaigns and physical sales offers as well as virtual offers.

Improve Your Meta Titles

Simply looking to improve your meta-title for your sales and brand campaign can make some vast improvements to your sales by bringing an increased flow of traffic to your door.

Meta titles are the words you see on the Google homepage that describe your web pages. And the passage of text you see underneath a meta title is the meta description.

The meta title is the most important out of the two but since the meta description is the first thing many people will see and could influence whether the user clicks onto your website or not it’s essential to keep that up to date too.

Crafting Your Meta Titles

To craft your meta title and branded page descriptions you should use Google Search Console* queries and also social media trends to check how your website or business appears (or ranks) for trending terms. Terms such as Coronavirus or COVID-19 and also check for terms related to your business/industry.

Then you should seek to improve your ranking by writing a meta title and description which focuses on including the trending terms you seek to enhance your ranking on.

*Search Console is a free service by Google which allows users to optimise the visibility of their websites.

Using Search Console Reports

A search console report gives you analytics on how your website or any other site performs online in general and for specific phrases. It can help you determine the number of clicks, impressions, click-through rates, ranking and queries it ranks for.

Ideally, you should seek to improve your ranking through the clicks, impressions and so on.

How To Use Google Search Console?

To use Google Search Console, you’ll need to go to Google “Google Webmaster Tools” and sign up, and follow the instructions – it’s a free service.

Spending some time on learning how to use Google Search Console provides you with insight. This insight offers you opportunities to analyse the top Coronavirus searches (AKA queries) and then set some targets to help you focus on and track any key performance indicators you set.

It’s a great way to measure your return on investment both in terms of time and expenses and well worth exploring.

Using FAQ Schema to Increase Your Traffic

If you can, we recommend using a ‘FAQ Schema Mark-up’ to update your FAQs. The structure and formatting of the FAQ Schema help both Google and your customers understand clearly the content on the page.

It provides a standard, structured format which is easy to read, and categorise.

The reason a FAQ Schema is the best option for your site right now is that Google uses structured data to gather information around the web, which means that using a FAQ schema improves your search results and Google recommendations.

An effective FAQ Schema can increase traffic by up to 20%.

Making it a long-term SEO strategy that’s well worth implementing, now and beyond COVID-19. To learn how to implement your FAQ Schema check this article out from Google Blog.

Finally, to help you make the most of your time and avoid making some costly SEO mistakes right now, here is my ‘don’t list’.


If you’re experiencing a quiet phase during COVID-19, you can turn it into an opportunity to enhance and If you use this time effectively, you may find that when business returns to normal, your efforts will have accelerated your business for the long term in ways you wouldn’t have imagined pre-COVID-19.

If you running a web design company, then this blog is only for you -

For more information on Google recommendation for COVID-19, check out this guide from Google: How to Pause Your Business Online.

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